Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Beautifabulicious Haley Poo Jazzes Up Spoken Funk

As perhaps the world's most passionate believer in Haley Reinhart's jazz chops, I always feel compelled to promote any jazz performance she gives for the greater good of mankind. You see, it's not about me, it's not about my needs, it's not about my selfish pursuit of happiness. No, it's about giving others the opportunity to soak in her goodness and make the world a better place.

After all, I'm but a selfless, modest and humble man with incredible taste in music, fantastic wit, great looks, brilliant observations, irresistible personality, impeccable character, etc, etc...Thus, you know that what I'm saying here is honest, truthful and all about helping others. Especially children, puppies, kittens and butterflies in need.

But I digress... The real point here is the beautifabulicious Haley Poo visited the Spoken Funk comedy/poetry/entertainment club in SoCal the other night, and, by popular request, agreed to leave the audience and jump on stage for an impromptu performance. Much to my delight, and likely the delight of God Himself, Haley chose the jazz/blues Etta James classic "At Last". 

Yes, loyal readers, that's the same "At Last" Haley dedicated to Kenny Poo back in October.

After engaging in some fun banter on stage with the club host, and securing a "million dollar t-shirt prize", Haley beautifully sang "At Last" completely a capella. Her rich, luscious voice absolutely filled the room with oozing goodness. Nobody can style jazz/blues notes like Haley, and she planted that head shaking, "lordy, lordy", blown away look on every face in the joint. Unfortunately, it was cut a bit short when she forgot the lyrics midway through, but she played it off so adorably with playful humor and her million dollar smile that, if anything, it made her performance even more endearing.

Note to Haley: Every time you perform jazz something special happens. Overwhelmingly positive reviews, responses, publicity, great connections that lead to Carnegie Hall, etc. It's no accident, girl. Your natural gifts in jazz are NOT just for us "older" people to enjoy. Talent is talent, and industry awards, glowing artistic recognition and booming record sales are all just a sultry jazz album away. Believe in yourself, and believe your gifts were given to you for a reason. To paraphrase Darth Vader, "Haley, it is your destiny."

Anyway, check out the video above, peeps. I know you'll be taken by the charms, fun-loving vibe, and good looks she brought to the stage, and props to Spoken Funk for being such a first class operation.

That's all for me. What say you?

~Kenny Poo


  1. Right on, Kenny! Haley was born to sing jazz, and I love how you always do your best to make sure she realizes that, too. I think you were born to blog! I love reading your posts!! :-)


  2. It appears that the world notices Haley's jazz talents. It is so great to see, cause jazz is like a forgotten art form. IT is so good to see a young artist doing it and doing it so well. I am so happy that she came to Spoken Funk and I had a chance to engage in playful banter with her. She was such a good sport. Thanks so much for the article.

  3. Thanks for the props, Poetri! Great to know we're on the same page regarding Jazz Haley. Hope to one day chill in your club! Let me know when you open a South Florida location. ;)
